Saturday 27 August 2011

Another restless night

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) has became second nature to me for the past month.  I haven't been sleeping... at all.  I usually pass out around 6am and then am wide awake by 10am.  Yahoo... 4 hours of sleep a night, or should I say morning.

Since I can't sleep I putter around the house like a zombie.  I'll take a bath or two- helps soothe my aching legs and back.  Watch some TV- I found a great channel that plays music videos from 2-7am called Montreal Metro.  I'll make a snack, sometimes I'll do some baking.

Around sun rise I usually doze off on the air mattress I had my husband pump up and leave on the living room floor.  But tonight my routine came to a roaring halt.  MY HUSBAND DECIDED HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUN TO SLEEP DOWNSTAIRS ON THE AIR MATTRESS!!  Not only am I in a zombie-like state, but now I have to try and be quiet!  I'm typing slower than usual right now to lessen the noise since hubby is sleeping not 3 feet from me...on MY air mattress.

I made myself an egg salad sandwich... in the dark so as not to wake him with the light.  I'm missing my music videos as our only TV is in the living room and I don't want to wake him.  Not only is he sleeping on MY air mattress he is also snoring!!

Why don't I wake him you may ask?  Well that is simple.... he is the best husband anyone could ask for.  He works long hours at a demanding job, then comes home and rubs my feet and legs (without too much complaint), and finally... he is my best friend.   So I will let him sleep tonight... but if he mentions sleeping on my air mattress again tomorrow night- I may have to deflate and hide it!!


  1. Hello! Congrats on the blog! I thought you were the quiet one of the family ... I'll wait for others to become 'followers' before I do. I don't want to knock Debbish and L from being the first ones.

    Can't wait for October!!

  2. Aww I didn't know you could say such sweet things about hubby.

  3. Deb, I'm sleep deprived... I could say anything!
