Tuesday 15 November 2011

Adventures with Baby Boy

Last week I decided to take Baby Boy (BB) out by myself... for the first time.  I was terrified.  So where did we go?  Cora's for breakfast.... yes that's right.... a restaurant.  Very daring for a first outing.

BB was awake when we arrived, I was praying he'd sleep through the outing as I was nervous I'd be the person with the screaming baby... I hate those people and did not want to be one of them.  BB was very well behaved the entire time (I ate as fast as I could as I was worried my luck would run out)!

He looked around and cooed the entire time.  When the server brought the bill he let out a little cry and then went right back to smiling.  I hope that is not an indication he will grow up to be cheap!

Today I decided to try my luck again and go for a longer outing... grocery shopping.

BB switched between sleeping and being awake... he's into "cat naps" lately.  I've never had so many strangers smile at me, move out of the way, and peak into my cart.  I wanted to exclaim "Why aren't you people nice/kind/friendly to everyone, not just a crazy lady with a kid"?!  But I kept my cool.  Some people have 'road rage'- I have 'grocery store rage'.  Strangely enough no one stopped in the middle of an aisle to chat, no one was pushing their cart mindlessly (I appreciate it when people stay to the right- rules of the road apply to the aisle as well).  

Something about seeing a cart with a baby seat must alert people to be on their best behaviour.  I must try this out at the mall also!!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Baby Boy

Baby Boy has taken over my life... in a good way!

There are three things I swore I would never do when I became a mother- and I've done all three:

1. No soothers.  We didn't even make it home from the hospital; I bought a package of two soothers from the hospital gift shop when he was only 2 days old.
2. No formula.  Due to medications I'm taking I am bottle feeding formula to the babe.
3. My house will not be over run with baby item.  My living room has a swing, play pen (which are now called play yards- as that is more politically correct.  Play pen apparently sounds to animalistic), and a vibrating seat.
I also have 3/5 shelves in my bookcase dedicated to diapers/wipes/receiving blankets/clean onesies/mitts/socks. I also have a small hamper for his dirty clothes, and a garbage can for the dirty diapers.

Here are some pics of Baby Boy:

Bmer is supervising play time!

Time for your close-up.


Kicking up a storm!