Thursday, 15 December 2011

Wake-Up Call

Hubby had said all through my pregnancy that he would like to take the last 4-6 months of my maternity leave for himself... thus me staying home for the first 6 months and he take the last 6 months of baby's first year.  I keep telling him I don't think he could handle it.  Of course, he disagrees.
So.... I am going to start keeping track of all the baby/household related things I do on a daily basis.

For example last week in one day: 4 loads of laundry, folded and put away.  Washed 8 bottles, made 8 bottles.  Did dishes. Loaded/ran/unloaded dishwasher. Vacuumed/returned the bottles and got some groceries.  Oh ya- changed diapers and feed the baby.  I love hubby- but I don't think he could accomplish all that.  He hasn't even taken baby out of the house by himself yet!

I love you Stefan... but you are no "Mommy"!!


  1. Let him try it for a day and see what happens...

  2. Considering he can't read directions to make a bottle- a day would cause me the panic attack of a lifetime!
