I began my University career in 2003.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 2007.
Christmas 2008 I asked to have my Degree framed... did not happen.
Christmas 2009 I asked to have my Degree framed... did not happen.
Christmas 2010 I asked to have my Degree framed... did not happen.
After 3 years of devastation I did not hold out much hope. And then it happened-
Christmas 2011 my parents (Mr and Mrs LC) presented me with my Degree framed and matted in the Mount Allison's colours!
Stefan hung my degree in our living room today. After looking at it for a few minutes, he declared- "Isn't that a bit showy?". To which I replied, "As my father would say, More is More".
Presenting, in Latin (a class I did not take) my Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Political Science from Mount Allison University. Ranked in the top 2 Canadian Under-Graduate Universities for the past 11 years.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
New Year New Start
I have not made a New Year's resolution for the last number of years because I never keep them!
This year will be different. I am making a resolution that I will try my hardest to keep: Be Thankful For What I Have.
I find myself saying "I want. I want. I want." I'm thinking of what other people have, and what I don't. Well- that shouldn't matter--- I should be happy for what I have... family, true friends, etc. Material items should not matter!!
We are in control of how we feel... and these two people help me feel great:
This year will be different. I am making a resolution that I will try my hardest to keep: Be Thankful For What I Have.
I find myself saying "I want. I want. I want." I'm thinking of what other people have, and what I don't. Well- that shouldn't matter--- I should be happy for what I have... family, true friends, etc. Material items should not matter!!
We are in control of how we feel... and these two people help me feel great:
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Wake-Up Call
Hubby had said all through my pregnancy that he would like to take the last 4-6 months of my maternity leave for himself... thus me staying home for the first 6 months and he take the last 6 months of baby's first year. I keep telling him I don't think he could handle it. Of course, he disagrees.
So.... I am going to start keeping track of all the baby/household related things I do on a daily basis.
For example last week in one day: 4 loads of laundry, folded and put away. Washed 8 bottles, made 8 bottles. Did dishes. Loaded/ran/unloaded dishwasher. Vacuumed/returned the bottles and got some groceries. Oh ya- changed diapers and feed the baby. I love hubby- but I don't think he could accomplish all that. He hasn't even taken baby out of the house by himself yet!
I love you Stefan... but you are no "Mommy"!!
So.... I am going to start keeping track of all the baby/household related things I do on a daily basis.
For example last week in one day: 4 loads of laundry, folded and put away. Washed 8 bottles, made 8 bottles. Did dishes. Loaded/ran/unloaded dishwasher. Vacuumed/returned the bottles and got some groceries. Oh ya- changed diapers and feed the baby. I love hubby- but I don't think he could accomplish all that. He hasn't even taken baby out of the house by himself yet!
I love you Stefan... but you are no "Mommy"!!
Friday, 2 December 2011
7 Weeks- and I'm still alive!
Wow- does time fly by! Baby Boy is 7 weeks today, and I can't believe it!!!
Here is babe post-bath, wearing his adorable Peter Rabbit outfit:
Here is babe post-bath, wearing his adorable Peter Rabbit outfit:
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Adventures with Baby Boy
Last week I decided to take Baby Boy (BB) out by myself... for the first time. I was terrified. So where did we go? Cora's for breakfast.... yes that's right.... a restaurant. Very daring for a first outing.

BB was awake when we arrived, I was praying he'd sleep through the outing as I was nervous I'd be the person with the screaming baby... I hate those people and did not want to be one of them. BB was very well behaved the entire time (I ate as fast as I could as I was worried my luck would run out)!
He looked around and cooed the entire time. When the server brought the bill he let out a little cry and then went right back to smiling. I hope that is not an indication he will grow up to be cheap!
Today I decided to try my luck again and go for a longer outing... grocery shopping.
BB switched between sleeping and being awake... he's into "cat naps" lately. I've never had so many strangers smile at me, move out of the way, and peak into my cart. I wanted to exclaim "Why aren't you people nice/kind/friendly to everyone, not just a crazy lady with a kid"?! But I kept my cool. Some people have 'road rage'- I have 'grocery store rage'. Strangely enough no one stopped in the middle of an aisle to chat, no one was pushing their cart mindlessly (I appreciate it when people stay to the right- rules of the road apply to the aisle as well).
Something about seeing a cart with a baby seat must alert people to be on their best behaviour. I must try this out at the mall also!!
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Baby Boy
Baby Boy has taken over my life... in a good way!
There are three things I swore I would never do when I became a mother- and I've done all three:
1. No soothers. We didn't even make it home from the hospital; I bought a package of two soothers from the hospital gift shop when he was only 2 days old.
2. No formula. Due to medications I'm taking I am bottle feeding formula to the babe.
3. My house will not be over run with baby item. My living room has a swing, play pen (which are now called play yards- as that is more politically correct. Play pen apparently sounds to animalistic), and a vibrating seat.
I also have 3/5 shelves in my bookcase dedicated to diapers/wipes/receiving blankets/clean onesies/mitts/socks. I also have a small hamper for his dirty clothes, and a garbage can for the dirty diapers.
Here are some pics of Baby Boy:
There are three things I swore I would never do when I became a mother- and I've done all three:
1. No soothers. We didn't even make it home from the hospital; I bought a package of two soothers from the hospital gift shop when he was only 2 days old.
2. No formula. Due to medications I'm taking I am bottle feeding formula to the babe.
3. My house will not be over run with baby item. My living room has a swing, play pen (which are now called play yards- as that is more politically correct. Play pen apparently sounds to animalistic), and a vibrating seat.
I also have 3/5 shelves in my bookcase dedicated to diapers/wipes/receiving blankets/clean onesies/mitts/socks. I also have a small hamper for his dirty clothes, and a garbage can for the dirty diapers.
Here are some pics of Baby Boy:
Bmer is supervising play time!
Time for your close-up.
Kicking up a storm!
Monday, 31 October 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Story Time
Yesterday I read Baby Boy his first storybook- the Little Critter's Just Me and My Dad. He bought this for Hubby as a birthday gift. Hubby's birthday was yesterday also.
He fell asleep halfway through. Here's a cute photo of how Baby Boy fell asleep in my arms a few days ago.
He fell asleep halfway through. Here's a cute photo of how Baby Boy fell asleep in my arms a few days ago.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Baby Boy at One Week
Take note of his beautiful eyelashes, compliments of Dad and Mom's genes! Stefan and I both are blessed to have long eyelashes, and so is Baby Boy
In his swing. Grammie C bought us this yesterday and it is a mini-miracle. BabyBoy loves it. When he woke up at 4am and again at 7am for feedings he was placed in the swing after eating/burping and fell soundly asleep! It has 6 speeds, as many musical ditties, and also a timer. The best part is, it is battery operated so no cranking! We just need to keep "D" batteries in the house!! Too bad it's Winnie the Pooh (I'm not a fan of Disney at all)... although beggars cannot be choosers and Stefan and I were so excited to be able to have a swing we didn't care what design was on it- ok, we probably wouldn't have chosen pink flowers or something very girly Thanks Mom for the swing!!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Bed Rest is boring me!
I'm tired of bed rest. So I organized my bookshelves and the kitchen. Also took a picture of a blanket dad made for Juri.
Pantry. If you notice the door, we still have the calendar on September- we are behind the times!
The baking cupboard.
Everyday dishes cupboard. Bought some great green bowls at Home Sense on clearance for $3.00 a piece. I purchased 4. Great size for a small bowl of cereal or a small dessert. I'll post a picture later- if I remember.
Apple juice Rocket Pops. Basically, fill the Rockets with apple juice and freeze.
Organized my bookshelves. Basically put everything from the left shelf on the right- and vice versa. Also packed away some of my pregnancy books and cross stitching items. Seeing how my fingers are numb I cannot stitch very well, and after Baby Boy comes I'm not sure I'll have the time to stitch. So everything went into a tote for now.
Doggy blanket dad made for Juri. I got this fabric in the States for something ridiculous like $.50 a yard.
Close up of the blanket. It's flanal, and of course, Bmer thinks it's his.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Blog Break until Baby Boy comes
I am taking a small hiatus from my blogging until after Baby Boy is born. I have been told by two doctors to keep my feet up and rest.
I cannot take pictures of anything interesting from the couch or my bed. At least not anything I would think interesting.
I will say that if Baby Boy is due this Sunday, Oct 9. My OB/GYN says that if he isn't here by Thursday he will then schedule me for an induction. So he will be here within at least 2 weeks.
Stay tuned for his blog debut!!
I cannot take pictures of anything interesting from the couch or my bed. At least not anything I would think interesting.
I will say that if Baby Boy is due this Sunday, Oct 9. My OB/GYN says that if he isn't here by Thursday he will then schedule me for an induction. So he will be here within at least 2 weeks.
Stay tuned for his blog debut!!
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Betrayal... The Air Mattress Saga continues
Although my RLS has left me (knock on wood) I still enjoy laying on the air mattress when watching TV in the evenings, leaving the couch to Hubby. Imagine my surprise when I came downstairs after my bath Saturday night to find this...
1. Hubby is on my air mattress.
2. Bmer is supposed to be my cuddle bug!
Bmer knows he's in trouble- betrayal!!!
The Finished Product
Moving large pieces of furniture does not induce labour- I figured this out for myself. I had asked my hubby several times to remove a few things from the Nursery so I could get it finished, his response "ya ya ya". So, like every intelligent woman before me, if you want something done do it yourself.
Here is the finished product:
Meet your tour guide Bmer welcoming you at the door.
Crib purchased by Pa and Ma C. Notice the matching drawer underneath.
Rocking chair that belonged to my Great Grandmother (Ma C's grandmother).
To the left dresser donated by Pa and Ma C (was in my nursery) and change table purchased for us from Ma V. Bmer is in the picture to give proper scale... so he says.
Artwork created by the soon-to-be Aunt L. Hubby needs to attach the picture wire he bought...which means I will have to attach the picture wire he bought.
Lovely artwork from Ma C- again I will have to attach picture wire, unless a miracle takes place!
Cross Stitch made for me when I was a babe.
My teddy bear Harry, whom I slept with until I was married. Yes, you can laugh.
Handcrafted pillow from Ma C placed inside crib.
Walk-in closet. See all the diapers?! Stefan's brother hosted a diaper-party for him, like a baby shower which involved the guys, diapers, and beer. We received 820 diapers, of various sizes!! Look at all the little clothes!!
Look at the cute little shoes! Two pair of Robeez up front, and the white shoes were mine when I was a babe!
That concludes our tour!
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Today I went shopping at Winners/HomeSense and purchased some goodies for my 2 boys- Bmer and Baby Boy. Sorry Stefan, maybe next time!
Here are two adorable Peter Rabbit outfits for Baby:
See the little rabbit ears on the hood!
How cute.
And now for Bmer's new sweater and scarf combo... it matches the stroller!
A little embarrassed!
The scarf is a real confidence builder!
Here are two adorable Peter Rabbit outfits for Baby:
See the little rabbit ears on the hood!
How cute.
And now for Bmer's new sweater and scarf combo... it matches the stroller!
A little embarrassed!
The scarf is a real confidence builder!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Bmer is now a Big Boy
Bmer went up the stairs- by himself- twice!!
When Stefan and I first had Bmer we were living with his brother. We tried and tried to teach Bmer to do the stairs, but he would only go up the first 4 and then stop on the little landing and refuse to go up the rest.
One day I was puttering around downstairs and wondered, 'hmm, it is very quiet around here...where is the pup'. He was upstairs! He went up all the way by himself! Stefan and I were so proud.
About a year later we purchased our own home- and Bmer took one look at the stairs and said ' no siree bob'.
We coaxed, bribed, begged and pleaded- no way would get even go up one step.
Well.....tonight that all changed. I was upstairs tidying/organizing the Baby`s nursery when I hear "go one up, go see Mommy, good boy"- and then Bmer appeared! Stefan pushed Bmer's bum up the first few stairs and then he tore off by himself! After much praise and giving him a treat we had to carry him back downstairs (one feat at a time I guess). About an hour later, I went upstairs and called him, and up he trotted! He then proceeded to sleep on the couch for the rest of the evening... apparently stairs tucker him out!
When Stefan and I first had Bmer we were living with his brother. We tried and tried to teach Bmer to do the stairs, but he would only go up the first 4 and then stop on the little landing and refuse to go up the rest.
One day I was puttering around downstairs and wondered, 'hmm, it is very quiet around here...where is the pup'. He was upstairs! He went up all the way by himself! Stefan and I were so proud.
About a year later we purchased our own home- and Bmer took one look at the stairs and said ' no siree bob'.
We coaxed, bribed, begged and pleaded- no way would get even go up one step.
Well.....tonight that all changed. I was upstairs tidying/organizing the Baby`s nursery when I hear "go one up, go see Mommy, good boy"- and then Bmer appeared! Stefan pushed Bmer's bum up the first few stairs and then he tore off by himself! After much praise and giving him a treat we had to carry him back downstairs (one feat at a time I guess). About an hour later, I went upstairs and called him, and up he trotted! He then proceeded to sleep on the couch for the rest of the evening... apparently stairs tucker him out!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Week 35
I am 35.5 weeks!!
I saw my OB/GYN today and will now see him every week until baby is here.
Today's appointment was traumatizing: vaginal and anal swab to see if I have Strep B (can't pronounce or spell the full name).
On a positive note- baby appears to be head down!! Next week is an in-office miniature ultra-sound to confirm the position of the baby. I can't wait for this to be over!!
I saw my OB/GYN today and will now see him every week until baby is here.
Today's appointment was traumatizing: vaginal and anal swab to see if I have Strep B (can't pronounce or spell the full name).
On a positive note- baby appears to be head down!! Next week is an in-office miniature ultra-sound to confirm the position of the baby. I can't wait for this to be over!!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Air Mattress- The Saga
Stefan and Bmer have betrayed me. Here is the proof:
I then told Bmer to 'give daddy kisses' at which point he attacked Stefan's face with kisses! Unfortunately it didn't work- Stefan continues to be laying on MY air mattress.
On a happier note, here are some baby bump pictures:
Here I am at 34.5 weeks.
I then told Bmer to 'give daddy kisses' at which point he attacked Stefan's face with kisses! Unfortunately it didn't work- Stefan continues to be laying on MY air mattress.
On a happier note, here are some baby bump pictures:
Here I am at 34.5 weeks.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Feeling Weepy
This time of the year has me feeling weepy. Why? I miss University.
I miss being at Mount Allison University, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Political Science in 2007. Set in scenic Sackville New Brunswick, Mt.A was a wonderful place.
I miss the people, the campus, the professors, yes....even the studying.
Tomorrow is the first day back for 'Frosh', or first year students. I often check out their website, www.mta.ca, to see what is going on with my favourite little place!
Now, I must confess, although I do very much miss Mt.A, during my time there I called my mother everyday, often more than once a day threatening to quit/drop out/fail out/ take a year off/ transfer. I put my poor family through hell- but I did graduate on time and with a decent GPA (well, I considered it decent).
Even though I went through my first major break-up, and it was the break-up from hell, discovered the evils of alcohol, and became a regular at the campus pub- I also learned a lot about myself and the kind of person I wanted to become. I'm still working on myself, but Mt.A did help me a great deal. I love that place- even though I have mounds of student debt- I am still very fond of that little school and the four years I spent there.
I miss being at Mount Allison University, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Political Science in 2007. Set in scenic Sackville New Brunswick, Mt.A was a wonderful place.
I miss the people, the campus, the professors, yes....even the studying.
Tomorrow is the first day back for 'Frosh', or first year students. I often check out their website, www.mta.ca, to see what is going on with my favourite little place!
Now, I must confess, although I do very much miss Mt.A, during my time there I called my mother everyday, often more than once a day threatening to quit/drop out/fail out/ take a year off/ transfer. I put my poor family through hell- but I did graduate on time and with a decent GPA (well, I considered it decent).
Even though I went through my first major break-up, and it was the break-up from hell, discovered the evils of alcohol, and became a regular at the campus pub- I also learned a lot about myself and the kind of person I wanted to become. I'm still working on myself, but Mt.A did help me a great deal. I love that place- even though I have mounds of student debt- I am still very fond of that little school and the four years I spent there.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Air Mattress Saga continued
I made cookies, yes at 11:00 pm at night, to bribe Stefan. He gets to eat the cookies if I get the air mattress. We shall see how this pans out, since this is what was happening while I was baking:
Stefan took cover when I brought out the camera, stating- "I don't want to be on your computer thing"... sense of guilt coming out? I think yes.
Bmer loves getting his picture taken. This is him, also on my air mattress, playing with his ducky.
Cookies are ready!
Cookies all done!
Mom's recipe!
Stefan took cover when I brought out the camera, stating- "I don't want to be on your computer thing"... sense of guilt coming out? I think yes.
Bmer loves getting his picture taken. This is him, also on my air mattress, playing with his ducky.
Cookies are ready!
Cookies all done!
Mom's recipe!
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